I miss Mexico Mtv
Pretty random for a blog title post eh? But I do, I do miss it. God, they actually played music over there. And obscure music... relatively obscure music. I mean, over here, you never see Daft Punk, Beck, Moby videos... hardly ever unless you're watching VH1 Insomnia Hour or something.
I wrote down a bunch of artists' names so when I got over here I could Google them and find their CDs. It was a little harder when I listened to the radio 'cos they don't mention ANY of the singers' names or what their songs are. So that'll be a little tougher.
But yeah, my trip to Mexico was nice. Except I was out on the road almost every day, with practically a different member of my family each time. That's cool though. I'm just used to going out every single day. By the time Sunday came I was like yesssssssss lol I'm such a homebody. Or maybe that's just a glossier term for antisocial.
In my naivete, yet again, I brought ONE single Harry Potter book 'cos bringing two was going to be too damn heavy. Well, as it turns out, I didn't even freaking touch the backpack that it was in. I was always doing something - eating lunch with all the family (which is scheduled there around 1:30... I'd wake up around 10 in the morning, get dressed and then go to the living room which was like a sauna in there...) - you do not want to be late for that. At least I wouldn't. Walking in late... while everyone's eating... it would be me, my mom, my uncle Rudy, tia Tencha and tio Victorino (my godparents, and my tia Tencha is my late grandmother's sister, we're all very close), my tio Neto (short for Ernesto), tia Susana, and their two little kids, Mari Fer (short for Maria Fernanda) and Miranda. Ever since I can remember, every time I go to Tampico and we're all eating, I hardly ever say a word. And yes, me not speaking Spanish that fluently has a lot to do with it, but really, if it was an all English speaking family, I probably wouldn't have much to say either. I'm just naturally quiet. But I dunno, being over there in Mexico with all my family intimidates me a bunch of times. I don't feel like I'm up to par with them. They're all so relaxed and comfortable in their own skin and I'm always fretting. It's a complicated feeling.
Anyway, so back to me not reading HP... so whenever I had time to be in the guest room, I'd watch TV. I hardly ever listened to my CD player over there, or the portable DVD player I brought with me. They've always had cable with English speaking channels; I remember when I was a lot younger that's how I found out about E! Entertainment television. I would always go over there with my grandma so I'd feel particularly excluded without my mom being there - so yeah that's what I was watching most of my time there. I had to have like some connection with American TV somehow lol They also had CNN... but it was international CNN so it was always like British newscasters. One time on a Mexican movie channel they were announcing that they were going to show the movie Red Dragon (you know, the prequel to the Hannibal Lector movies) and I am such a Ralph Fiennes fan, I just had to see it. But they were going to show it at 22 Hrs. They always give you hrs like in military style over there... so I was like, ah yes... 10:00 ~_^
Anyway, I was in my room watching it. Then I found out my tia and my mom watched it in the sala (living room) and it was a topic of conversation that came up over several days lol They said they kept having nightmares. It's one of those things where you had to be there... every time around the dinner table or whatever, they'd talk about scary movies and my mom would keep mentiong she saw Red Dragon - and I was like okay, I get that Anthony Hopkins scares the bejeezus out of you lol
Well, I have no pics to come with this post. Well, mainly the reason I wanted to watch Red Dragon again in the first place... was because of this actor:

*insert Homer Simpson drool*
Yep, he's gonna be playing Voldemort in the new Harry Potter films, too. And a certain girl... (ahem, AG) told me she had dreams about sleeping with Voldy :roll! But it was her own mind's creation of Voldemort, heheh. Well, this was certainly a lengthier post than usual. It was just more of a 'thinking' post.
Bottom line: I'm never gonna finish all those Harry Potter books.
I wrote down a bunch of artists' names so when I got over here I could Google them and find their CDs. It was a little harder when I listened to the radio 'cos they don't mention ANY of the singers' names or what their songs are. So that'll be a little tougher.
But yeah, my trip to Mexico was nice. Except I was out on the road almost every day, with practically a different member of my family each time. That's cool though. I'm just used to going out every single day. By the time Sunday came I was like yesssssssss lol I'm such a homebody. Or maybe that's just a glossier term for antisocial.
In my naivete, yet again, I brought ONE single Harry Potter book 'cos bringing two was going to be too damn heavy. Well, as it turns out, I didn't even freaking touch the backpack that it was in. I was always doing something - eating lunch with all the family (which is scheduled there around 1:30... I'd wake up around 10 in the morning, get dressed and then go to the living room which was like a sauna in there...) - you do not want to be late for that. At least I wouldn't. Walking in late... while everyone's eating... it would be me, my mom, my uncle Rudy, tia Tencha and tio Victorino (my godparents, and my tia Tencha is my late grandmother's sister, we're all very close), my tio Neto (short for Ernesto), tia Susana, and their two little kids, Mari Fer (short for Maria Fernanda) and Miranda. Ever since I can remember, every time I go to Tampico and we're all eating, I hardly ever say a word. And yes, me not speaking Spanish that fluently has a lot to do with it, but really, if it was an all English speaking family, I probably wouldn't have much to say either. I'm just naturally quiet. But I dunno, being over there in Mexico with all my family intimidates me a bunch of times. I don't feel like I'm up to par with them. They're all so relaxed and comfortable in their own skin and I'm always fretting. It's a complicated feeling.
Anyway, so back to me not reading HP... so whenever I had time to be in the guest room, I'd watch TV. I hardly ever listened to my CD player over there, or the portable DVD player I brought with me. They've always had cable with English speaking channels; I remember when I was a lot younger that's how I found out about E! Entertainment television. I would always go over there with my grandma so I'd feel particularly excluded without my mom being there - so yeah that's what I was watching most of my time there. I had to have like some connection with American TV somehow lol They also had CNN... but it was international CNN so it was always like British newscasters. One time on a Mexican movie channel they were announcing that they were going to show the movie Red Dragon (you know, the prequel to the Hannibal Lector movies) and I am such a Ralph Fiennes fan, I just had to see it. But they were going to show it at 22 Hrs. They always give you hrs like in military style over there... so I was like, ah yes... 10:00 ~_^
Anyway, I was in my room watching it. Then I found out my tia and my mom watched it in the sala (living room) and it was a topic of conversation that came up over several days lol They said they kept having nightmares. It's one of those things where you had to be there... every time around the dinner table or whatever, they'd talk about scary movies and my mom would keep mentiong she saw Red Dragon - and I was like okay, I get that Anthony Hopkins scares the bejeezus out of you lol
Well, I have no pics to come with this post. Well, mainly the reason I wanted to watch Red Dragon again in the first place... was because of this actor:

*insert Homer Simpson drool*
Yep, he's gonna be playing Voldemort in the new Harry Potter films, too. And a certain girl... (ahem, AG) told me she had dreams about sleeping with Voldy :roll! But it was her own mind's creation of Voldemort, heheh. Well, this was certainly a lengthier post than usual. It was just more of a 'thinking' post.
Bottom line: I'm never gonna finish all those Harry Potter books.
i updated my blog
go to bed early tonight
LOL You chickened and left me hanging. But you were half-sober or somesing :p
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